Thursday, December 6, 2007

Home for 2 months

I'm back from Harrisburg Discipleship Center (HDC) for good now. I went for one last weekend to learn how to teach English as a second language and I was given many good insights and ideas. I just want to start planning for my classroom already but I have to remember that school doesn't start for 4 more months and I have no idea what subjects I'll actually be teaching. Half of the 40 participants had already flown to their destination by this last weekend at HDC so it was 3 teams and me. Quite lonely at first but you learn to appreciate who you still have rather than who you're missing. With such a small group, we decided to order pizza one night followed by every game we could think of until we were all gamed out.

While back at my parents', I'm working at a daycare center where I've worked off and on since my senior year of high school. I've also been babysitting, cleaning, and wrapping gifts for people- anything to help pay off my credit card debt before I go to Peru. My team and I have been working hard trying to raise money for my support (not connected to my debt) doing fundraisers, planning a benefit concert, and making greeting cards. My friend, Molly, is in a band called The Secrecy and has generously offered to have a benefit concert with 4 other bands in Lancaster on January 18th or 19th (TBD) for 5 dollars a ticket. More information to come. I made greeting cards in early fall of pictures from my road trip and I'm in the process of making Christmas cards for $2 each. Here are some samples of what I've been able to take so far with the snow. With most pictures, you can just click on it and the photo will become larger.

As an update: I need to raise $15,900 total for Peru and 80% (about $12,700) for EMM to buy me a plane ticket to leave (hopefully) the last week in January. So far, we have $10,950 raised. Thank you so much to all of you who have supported me financially to get me this far. Thank you for those who have been praying for me because I have really seen and sensed much more of God since those prayers began, as well as the significant amount of money that I have received thus far. Please continue to pray for my support team and me as it is stressful and difficult trying to raise such a large sum of money. I hope that this holiday season brings you lots of joy and expect an update in early January when (if I'm close to the 80%) I will know the official date that I will be flying to Peru.