On Thursdays I hang out at my friends' Zaida and Yerson's house to help with their twins.
I hiked in Huacarpay with my three friends, Lisi, Karen, and Meche. Everything's still so dry here since the rainy season is just starting, but it was still beautiful. We hiked up a small mountain and entered a cave. I was a bit scared because Lisi and I had spotted a paw print that looked to have been from a puma. There are puma's around. A few here in the mountainous area and many more in the jungles but I haven't seen any yet. So in entering this Incan cave that's a minute walk from the pawprint, I was scared a puma would be relaxing in the cool dark cave rather than the extremely sunny, warm, and dry outside. It was pretty neat inside. We didn't go too far because of lack of time and the girls got scared but it was still cool. Obviously since you haven't heard of any crazy accidents or maulings,
there was no puma. You can see in pictures as we were returning that a wildfire started up in the mountains. In this country when there's a wildfire on the mountains, you just pray for rain because there are no roads for firetrucks to take. No one really lives at the tops of the mountains
but some of their farms are up there, which is what can start the fire, trying to burn the land to get richer soil but one hard breeze and the whole mountain's ablaze. The mountain was on fire until that next night. God brought the first big rainstorm of the season. What a blessing, even if I did walk home in pouring rain for a half hour at night.