So some of you may have guessed, Pascua means Easter. It also means Passover which makes it a bit more difficult to explain the difference between the two when discussing it with the children. We had off Holy Thursday and Good Friday that weekend and I woke up Friday feeling so ill that I only got off the couch to eat or dye a few eggs. Our friend Luz, the 3rd grade teacher, came over and helped us. She'd never experienced this sort of craziness before. Why would you decorate eggs and what does it have to do with Easter? It really did start with good intentions, eggs signify new life which in turn means Jesus. It wasn't until it turned into a Hallmark Holiday that the Easter bunny started laying those eggs, at least in the States that is.
Here's a picture of some of the kids plus the Kreider's dog who's flea free and very friendly.

The picture of the whole group is the egg hunt towards the end when we're all together trying to figure out how many were left. We had a total of 113 eggs for 9 kids. All sent from the States. They don't sell them here.
I just liked the picture of the 4 youngest kids on our team 'flying'.
I'm sorry this is sideways, but it shows how much fun we had.
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